Ramsgate: the last few days.

Tuesday 29th May The run of great weather came to an end by Tuesday and we woke to cloudy skies and much cooler conditions. Mark braved it though for a bike ride but had to abort due to the worsening conditions. I survived a cold and windy walk and then spent the morning watching the… More

Mark’s Bike Sunday and Holiday Monday.

Sunday 27th May What a pleasant surprise to wake to sunshine! Our weather app had yesterday advised us that rain was forecast for the entire day so it was much relief when we woke to see the sun. Mark set out to meet up with The Thanet Cycle Club bike riders for a 80km ride… More

Ramsgate; first few days

Thursday 24th May-Friday 25th May. It was a good start to our holiday as we met Matthew and Susan Scarf at at the airport before our flight. The rest of the journey was pretty uneventful though and we arrived into London on the Friday at about 5 AM. We picked up the car and had… More