The Owl’s Trail, Dijon

Monday 30th September The sun isn’t rising here until 7.35 am here so there was no hurry for our morning walk. We were pleasantly surprised by the city this morning though; a good night of sleep, sunshine and no crowds helping us to see and appreciate the beauty of the city. There is more of a… More

Dijon via Colmar

Sunday 29th September Strasbourg to Colmar It was a beautiful sunny morning and not a cloud in the sky for our drive from Strasbourg down to Dijon via Colmar. This made it much easier to get from the apartment down to the car and for the drive. Navigating on the other side of the road… More

Last day in Strasbourg.

Saturday 28th September It was an early start for Mark today as he wanted to watch the AFL Grand Final. So, he set his watch at 6:30 am and duly got up to watch the game. It was raining during this time so I took the opportunity to update my trading blog. Our plan for the… More

Strasbourg Day 2: Petite France.

The forecast for today had been for rain so we were pleasantly surprised to wake to cloudy skies but no rain. So, off we set for a morning walk to take in more of the medieval beauty of Starsbourg. I realised this morning that Strasbourg is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever… More

We made it to Strasbourg!

Thursday 26th September AirBnB: Address: 16 Rue des Serruriers, Strasbourg We made it Strasbourg without any hiccups. I’d been worried given our two train journeys had only 9 min between them for us to unload bags, find the next train and load up again. One lady on the train comforted me though by saying… More

Munich: last day

Wednesday 25th September Our morning activity for today was a group tour visit to Dachau Concentration Camp. We met our group at the HBF train station across the road from our hotel at 8:45 am. It was then about a 15 minute train trip out to Dachau station and then about a five minute bus… More

Munich Day 2: two walking tours!

Tuesday 24th September Today was a very full day and we are exhausted so this will be rather brief. Our morning started with a walk down to see the Oktoberfest site followed a by a 10.45 am walking tour of Munich with Sandeman Free walks. Our guide for this tour was Aileen and she was… More

First day in Munich!

Monday 23rd September Hotel: Fleming’s Hotel  It was another day of planes, trains and automobiles for Mark and myself. David left early to catch his train to Rome for his ling trip home. Mark and I had a flight at 1.10 pm to Munich. We left the apartment at about 10 am and, after a… More

Back in Florence!

Friday 20th September AirBnB Apartment: link Address: Via del Sole 11, Florence. The last time I was in Florence was with Mark, Annabelle and Tom in 2007. It took me a whole day to get here, one that started at 3 am, but I’m glad to be back and about to catch up again with… More

Florence: Day 2

Saturday 21 st September It was another stunning warm day brewing here early and I took a quick walk to the Mercato Centrale before heading out for my 10.45 am walking tour. I would return here later today looking for bananas and a leather jacket! Florence is full to capacity! Jam packed with so so… More