11. Castagnole Lanze, Italy

Castagnole Lanze: Sat 14 – Tue 17 Sept: Accommodation Sat 14th September: afternoon It was 2.30 pm by the time we arrived at our lodging, Villa Cristina Suite, in the village of Castagnole Lanze, just over 20 minutes by car from the town of Alba. We had swapped to this venue at the last moment… More

10. Turin (Torino), Italy

Turin (Torino): Fri 13th – Sat 14th Sept: Accommodation Fri 13th September: After being caught off guard with the unusually high temperatures earlier in this trip, when we were up further north in Europe, we have now been caught off guard by how unusually cool it is down in this south-east region of France. It… More

9. Grenoble; France

Grenoble: Wed 11 – Fri 13 Sept: Accommodation Wed 11th September It was a cool morning for our last one in Annecy but Mark went for a ride around the lake, all 39 km, and I had a bit of a walk. It was then just a matter of packing up and heading off to… More

8. Annecy; France

Annecy: Mon 9 – Thurs 12 Sept: Accommodation Mon 9th September It was 30 degrees the day we arrived at Basel and half of that on the day we left. Sadly, we had wet and cool weather for much of the 3 1/2 hr drive down to Annecy. We found our apartment without too much… More

7. Basel, Switzerland

Basel: Sat 7 – Mon 9 Sept: Accommodation Sat 7th Sept It was a glorious morning for our drive down to Basel and forecast to be another warm one with a temperature of 30 degrees. Mark had an early ride before our departure and I had a final walk. It was very nervous going for… More

6. Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg: Thurs 5 – Sat 7 Sept: Accommodation   Thurs 5th Sept It was a cloudy start to the day for our last morning walk around Köln but this soon cleared to yield blue sky and sunshine for our drive down to Heidelberg. There was a bit of time after checking out of our hotel… More

5. Cologne (Köln)

Cologne (Köln): Mon 2 – Thurs 5 Sept: Accommodation Mon 2nd Sept It was another glorious morning for our drive up to Köln and Mark squeezed in a bike ride before we left and I enjoyed a final walk around Luxembourg. We were heading higher, latitude-wise, but it was still forecast to be hot in… More

4. Luxembourg

Luxembourg: Sat 31 Aug – Mon 2 Sept: Accommodation Sat 31 Aug It was shaping up to be a beautiful day for our last morning in Namur and our drive down to Luxemburg. We had a bit of time between checking out of our hotel and checking in at the apartment so we made a… More