
Santorini, Greece

Sunday 17th June

I am writing this note from the balcony of our villa in Oia, the northern most point of Santorini, perched high on the edge of the caldera overlooking the beautiful Aegean Sea. It is 8.30pm and we have just watched a spectacular sunset, something Oia is famed for, yet it is still light enough to be typing outside. It has been another hot and sunny day. We arrived here at around midday after a somewhat interesting journey. I am pleased to say that the Olympian spirit is alive and well and thriving in Athens; in their taxi drivers at least if in no one else. The trip to the airport should take 30 ~ 40 minutes. Our driver, who clocked 150 km/hr at some points, took just 25 minutes. The plane trip thankfully was less adventurous. We walked into the village for lunch, after dropping off our bags, and then spent the afternoon lying around the pool. We met a nice family from Melbourne who were Carlton supporters. Mark, for some reason, happily revealed their team’s tragic and most recent 100 point loss of just one night before. We will have to wait and see if they speak to us tomorrow! The world gets even smaller than this though; when we arrived we were looking out over our balcony and who do we see? None other than the nice American family that we took the walking tour of Ancient Athens with, just a few days ago. They are also here for a couple of nights and we spent the afternoon around the pool with them as well.

We have been lucky again with our accommodation; you could not ask for a more spectacular place/area to stay whilst on this island. We were going to adventure out and explore around the island tomorrow but, have decided to stay up here and have a repeat performance of today.

Monday 18th June

Another perfect day, if only a bit too hot. Simply means we have to laze by the pool for longer though. Having fun and relaxing before we hit Turkey where we will be on the go. Santorini is an amazingly beautiful place!

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