A couple of days in Port Douglas.

Thursday 5th April.

The boys were taking a reef snorkeling tour today and needed to be at the Marina by 7.45 am.Ā  I waved them off from the renovated Marina, a huge improvement since we were last there, and then went on a walk roaming the streets of Port Douglas whilst also seeking out the shade.

The rest of my day was filled with a massage, strolling the shops, swimming and reading. I had quipped to Mark that by not going to the reef I would save him some money. Unfortunately, my bit of shopping throughout the day more than made up for any potential savings this had created šŸ™

The boys arrived home by about 5pm and Mark and I had a swim before another night in with a BBQ dinner on our lovely balcony.

Friday 6th April.

We were awake early and so headed out to take our walk before the sun popped above the Clouds making life too hot. We walked along 4 Mile beach and some surrounding streets picking out alternative property options for any future visit. ā€˜The White Houseā€™ and ā€˜Beaches of Port Douglasā€™ both looked nice and are well located for both beach and town access. We then had a coffee at theĀ  ā€˜Sipping Duckā€™, a small cafe opposite the beach and under Beaches, before heading home for a swim.

The plan for the day was to visit the Daintree and Mossman Gorge and we set off just after 9.30 am for the hour long journey to the Daintree. We made it up as far as Cow Bay before heading back to Mossman for lunch at a cafĆ© called ‘Temptations’; a weird mix of cafĆ©, Bar and gift shop. From there we headed out to Mossman Gorge and took the shuttle from the Visitor Centre up to the Gorge lookout. At $30 total for bus access to the Gorge this was much better value than the Daintree Walk entry fee @ $35 per head! Strolling the Gorge walking track filled in over an hour before we headed back to the apartment via a stop off at the shops to look at some shells.

Being our last night we opted to dine out and weā€™d heard good reviews of the Salsa so decided to give that a go. However, when we got down there they were booked out so we opted for the new restaurant next door, Arabella’s. Whilst it was nice to get out for dinner and do a bit of people watching, the meal was not as nice as those we’d enjoyed at home over our previous two evenings šŸ™

Saturday 7th April:

The three of us took a beach walk for our last morning before having a coffee at the Sipping Duck and heading home for one last swim before heading to the airport.

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