A long weekend in Orange

Orange long / weekend:    Fri 4th Dec – Mon 7th Dec: Draft Final2


Accommodationhttps://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/42182326?   26 Byng Street, Orange, NSW 2800.

  • Check In: 3 pm
  • Check Out: 10 am


Friday 4th Dec:


  • AM: travel Sydney to Orange. Coffee / Lunch stop: The Red Door: 134 Leura Mall, Leura NSW 2780


  • Check In: 3 pm. It was a sunny and warm afternoon so some of us had a swim in the pool.



Saturday 5th Dec:


  • AM: browse shops around Orange town centre:


  • PM:
    • PM: 2 pm: Phillip Shaw: 60 min wine tasting booked


  • Ferment Cellar Door:  Visit Orange Wine Centre: 6 min walk from house: 87 Hill Street Orange NSW.



Sunday 6th Dec:


  • AM: Drive to visit Millthorpe


  • PM:  
    • 1 pm Nashdale Lane Winery: 60 min wine tasting
      •   60 min
      • 125 Nashdale Lane, Orange NSW 2800 Australia Nashdale, New South Wales


  • Dinner: at home.


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