Woodbury Common Day

Thurs 12th Oct The forecast  for the day was for cool and wet weather and so were happy enough to spend it out at Woodbury Common. We caught the train up to the Port Authority in time for the 9.30am bus out to the Common and had a fun day of shopping in time for… More

Ali and Brett arrive.

Wed 11th October We were all rather excited as Ali and Brett were to arrive later today. Our plans were rather simple until they arrived at around 2.30 pm; the four of us walked down 5th Avenue from Central Park. A spot of shopping here and there meant we only made it down to the… More

Highline day

Tue 10th October The sun was out today and so we rose early, 7am, to head down to the Brooklyn Bridge and Ground Zero area to try and get some photos before the crowds set in. We were lucky enough to see a couple having their wedding photos taken on the Bridge!

Two wet days

Sun 8th and Mon 9th October The first two full days for Matt and Annabelle were wet days unfortunately. On day one we all went for a morning walk up to their favourite coffee spot, Blue Bottle, and spent the rest of the day strolling up to Chelsea Markets before having dinner at Osteria Marini.… More

First full day in NYC.

Sat Oct 7th We had two walking tours booked today, one in the morning for 2 hours and the other in the afternoon for 3 hours, so we skipped our usual morning walk. The first tour was at 9.45 am of Greenwich Village for 2 hours and the second at 2 pm for 3 hours… More

Arrival Day NYC

Friday Oct 6th Our travel from Boston to NYC was by a Limoliner bus and it was a safe and uneventful journey. Limoliner is a service just between Boston and NYC but, whilst relatively expensive at $99/seat, offers a very pleasant journey  with comfortable seats, refreshment and even a hot lunch. We left Boston at… More

Harvard Day.

We had a walking tour out at Harvard starting at 10.30 am but still managed to get in a morning walk. The train was the quickest route, about 15 minutes, and so we took the red line train for the four stops out to Harvard with reasonable ease. Our guide for the day was David,… More

Freedom Trail Day.

For our morning walk we headed down the road towards Charles Street. We had driven along this charming English-Village style street yesterday whilst on our bus tour and were pleased by the proximity of this to our apartment. It was definitely somewhere we wanted to return to for a longer visit and so we did… More

Boston: first two days.

Monday 2nd Our flight from New Orleans to Boston left at 9:15 AM on Monday 2nd October and so we had an early start getting ready to get out to the airport. We woke at 6 AM to the sad news that there had been a mass shooting in Las Vegas and that new filled the media at the… More

Voodoo day!

Sunday 1st October The forecast for the morning was for rain and so we were pleasantly surprised when we woke to cloudy skies but dry conditions. So we headed out for a morning walk as I thought we should at least see the Mississippi River before we leave. There’s a bit of a foreshore walk… More