
Parma Parma, Italy Parma, Italy Parma My first and last morning in Ortisei started at 6 am with a walk around the local Village. I left the boys, both of them snoring. We then had a quick breakfast before setting off to Parma, a 3.5 hr drive. The first half of the journey was more… More

One day in the Dolomites

One day in the Dolomites Ortisei, Italy Ortisei, Italy Monday 5th July 2010 I’m writing this blog from the verandah of our B & B in Ortisei, looking up the mountain to where we caught the chair lift earlier today. It is a balmy evening and the local church bells are tolling the half hour…a… More

Last day in Salzburg :-(

Last day in Salzburg 🙁 Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria Sunday 4th July: Our last full day in Salzburg. What a relief it was to see some cloud cover when we woke this morning; a reprieve from the heat of the last three days. Our plan for the day was to hang around the Altstadt for… More

Sound Of Music Tour day

Sound Of Music Tour day Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria Sat 3rd July I’m too tired to blog in full today. am: I went for a walk whilst the boys chilled out. We then walked in to the Altstadt and checked out the local produce markets. We wished we had more time here in Salzburg as… More

First full day in Salzburg

First full day in Salzburg Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria Friday 2nd July We’ve had a great day but are all very tired so this will be brief. Mark and I went for a walk around the Altstadt this morning and noted a few points of comparison to Prague: This Old Town is even more beautiful… More

Arrival at Salzburg

Arrival at Salzburg Salzburg, Austria Salzburg, Austria Thursday 1st July We made quite a sight as we dragged our luggage through Prague Old Town across to the Intercontinental Hotel where we were to collect our hire car. We ended up with a Holden Vectra with a boot large enough to accommodate all of the bags… More

Last full day in Prgaue

Last full day in Prgaue Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic 30th June Another magnificent day greeted us on waking…hot and sunny, cloudless skies. Mark and I went for an early walk to find the Intercontinental Hotel where we are to collect the rental car from tomorrow. We had a walking tour of Prague Castle… More

Prague Day 2: Kutna Hora

Prague Day 2: Kutna Hora Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic 29th June Night doesn’t last long here in Prague at the moment so Mark and I made an early start with a walk out to the magnificent 600 year old Charles Bridge. This place is like NY Times Square during the day so it… More

First full day in Prague

First full day in Prague Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic 28th June A 4am start for moi. Courtesy of some anxiety about a Salzburg booking and Mark’s snoring. It was a magnificent day, sunny and hot. We did a walking tour of Prague at 11am with New Prague tours. Our guide, Aiofe, was a… More

First time to Prague

First time to Prague Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic 27th June The view as you arrive into Prague can only be described as spectacular. We passed over the magnificent snow topped mountains of the Swiss/Italian Alps before landing on an amazingly flat, lush and fertile green plateau. The airport is located about 30 mins… More