Pearl Harbour Day

Pearl Harbour Day Waikiki, HI Waikiki, HI Friday 16th December I walked on my own today and much earlier, out by 6.30am. Sadly, it was just me and all the homeless out this early. There are more homeless here than last time.  Mark and I went down to breakfast at around 7.30 leaving Tom cursing… More

A quiet day around the hotel

A quiet day around the hotel Waikiki, HI Waikiki, HI Thursday 15th Dec 2011 Just a short update today. Lots of relaxing today so, not much time. Mark and I took our usual morning walk to Diamond Head. We then all went down for a leisurely breakfast. Mark and I had earlier reserved an umbrella… More

Waikele Shopping Outlet Day

Waikele Shopping Outlet Day Waikiki, HI Waikiki, HI Wednesday 14 Dec Mark and I went for a morning walk along the beach front up to Diamond Head and back. This round trip takes about 50 minutes from our hotel. There were a lot of joggers out too and it was rather reminiscent of the Bondi… More

Heading to Waikiki

Heading to Waikiki Waikiki, HI Waikiki, HI Tue 13/12/11: Moana Surfrider Hotel (Room 788) Mark and I headed out early for our last morning walk around Poi-pu. It was an overcast morning and the weather looked more set in than previous days so it was probably a good day for us to be leaving. It… More

Day 4: a hotel day: our last full day in Kauai

Day 4: a hotel day: our last full day in Kauai Kauai. , HI Kauai. , HI Monday 12/12/11 Mark and I started the morning with a walk along the coast and up around the two small shopping villages. Evidence of the GFC is alive and well here. There is plenty of shop/office space to… More

Day 3 Kauai Day trip: Waimea Canyon & Wailua Falls

Day 3 Kauai Day trip: Waimea Canyon & Wailua Falls Kauai. , HI Kauai. , HI Sunday 11/12/11 The alarm woke us up at 7am for our relatively early start for the day. Today was to be a day trip from 9-6 to see Waimea Canyon, Fern Grotto and Wailua River. BTW: The weather has… More

Day 2 Kauai

Day 2 Kauai Kauai. , HI Kauai. , HI Saturday 10/12/11 Mark and I set out for a walk at 8.30am this morning leaving Tom for a sleep-in. The weather was fine which boded well for our helicopter trip later on today. We had our first breakfast at the hotel which was interesting….Tom was prattling… More

Day 1: Kauai

Day 1: Kauai Kauai. , HI Kauai. , HI Sheraton Kauai Fri Dec 9th – Tue Dec 13th Room 2405 Fri Dec 9th Day One: Funny things strike you when you travel. For example…..we get to the Airport in Honolulu and, then, Kauai…well…they’ve got toilet seat protectors everywhere, at every toilet block, plus….automatic soap dispensers… More