Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Galapagos Islands: 21/6 to 28/6 Just back from a fabulous week on a cruise around the Galapagos Islands. Didn’t lose Tom overboard ….this had been a main concern of mine. We visited about 5 of the islands and were treated to some spectacular flora and fauna: the… More

More of Quito

More of Quito Quito, Ecuador Quito, Ecuador Monday 23rd June Just a short entry for today. We woke late again after a disrupted night of sleep. Mark’s phone went of at midnight and the TV turned itself on at about 3am. Gremlins??? The sun was out this morning so we decided to make the most… More

First day of trip: Quito, Ecuador

First day of trip: Quito, Ecuador Quito, Ecuador Quito, Ecuador Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June We arrived into Quito late in the evening on Saturday 21st after a trip that lasted over 26hours. Each of us had our own issue to contemplate during the long journey. For Tom, that there were only shared video… More

Departure day

Departure day Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Hi all, We depart today for Lat Am. Cheers