Setting out Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Our ‘national lampoon vacation’ started out well. Mercer didn’t quite make it for the ride to the airport but I still gave him the quiche! Matt, ever reliable, delivered Annabelle just in time so she could finish packing. On arriving at the airport Mark and I found that we… More
Category: 2014 – 2007
Home at last!
Home at last! Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Hi all. Have made it home at last. We had a beautiful morning for our arrival home. It was great to be able to see blue sky. Don’t laugh or scoff….this is a luxury! We don’t realise how lucky we are living in this part of the world.… More
Santiago Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile Friday 11th July. We made it in to our lovely hotel, the first one for this trip, at about 1am this morning. That was after leaving the jungle on Friday at 3am via the white cayman and piranha infested waters on our fateful boat trip! We are still getting over… More
Amazon Jungle
Amazon Jungle Puerto Maldonado, Peru Puerto Maldonado, Peru Amazon Tuesday 6th July We were off to the jungle area of Puerto Maldonado today. It was a 30 min flight down from the Andes in a south east direction from Cusco into the Amazon Basin. There was a heavy police presence at Cusco airport due to… More
Cusco: Last day
Cusco: Last day Cusco, Peru Cusco, Peru Monday 7th July This was our last full day in Cusco. We chose to have the day to ourselves and that started with an early morning walk for Mark and I. You have to be careful when out walking at this earlier hour. Less traffic means that the… More
Machu Picchu and back to Cusco
Machu Picchu and back to Cusco Cusco, Peru Cusco, Peru Machu Picchu 6th July It is 5pm and I am writing this section from on board the backpackers’ train as we journey from Aguas Calientes back up to Cusco. Our time down here was wonderful. We feel very lucky to have been able to witness… More
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu Machu Picchu, Peru Machu Picchu, Peru Machu Picchu 5th July Our trip to Machu Picchu started on the 6.50am train from Cusco. It is a 31/2 hr trip to the train terminus at Aguas Calientes. We were on the ‘backpackers’ train! How do I know?? Because the carriages were all labeled as such.… More
Cusco….. more of!
Cusco….. more of! Cusco, Peru Cusco, Peru Friday 4th July Our half-day tour set down for this morning was cancelled. We were elated. One of the things we have missed on this organised tour is the flexibility to do what we want, when we want. I made full use of the free morning to do… More
Cusco Cusco, Peru Cusco, Peru Cusco Wednesday 2nd July We were not sorry to leave Lima. The perpetual grey sky, the barren landscape, lack of any real green space and the dirty air start to get to you after a couple of days. I am convinced that aggressive driving of the locals is due, in… More
Lima Lima, Peru Lima, Peru Lima: Sunday night June 29th We were worried we would never get here. Our flight had been over-booked and, as a result, there was quite a scene in the departure lounge. Various members of TACA staff were trying to influence travelers to give up their seat whilst also trying to… More