Accommodation Reviews

Accommodation Reviews Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Soho Apartment: My husband and I (both aged 50) stayed in this wonderful Soho apartment for 6 nights from 5/3-11/3 2012. It was a wonderful alternative to that of the usual small and dark hotel room. The apartment is very generously proportioned with an entrance foyer, large lounge… More

Last day: Kingston upon Thames

Last day: Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom Wednesday 21/3/2012 Our Chase Lodge Hotel: The day started off early for us and quite cloudy but we headed out for a walk to the commons. We were assured that we would see some deer and, that we did.… More

Paris to UK day

Paris to UK day Paris, France Paris, France The sun was shining on our last morning in Paris so we headed out for our usual morning walk. We packed up our bags and left them in the apartment whilst we went down to have our last coffee. There was a small cafe in Place Saint… More

Our last full day in Paris: Trip to Champagne

Our last full day in Paris: Trip to Champagne Paris, France Paris, France Mon19th Champagne Tour We had booked a day tour to the Champagne region with ‘Paris Champagne Tours’. Trong was our guide for the day and his tours came highly recommended on Tripadvisor. There were 5 of us on the tour for the… More

Day 5 in Paris: Markets + the Louvre

Day 5 in Paris: Markets + the Louvre Paris, France Paris, France Day 5 Sun 18 It had been raining a bit last night whilst we walked home from dinner. This was a good thing though as we were hoping it might curb the St Patricks Day celebrations from the Irish pub below our apartment.… More

Day 4 in Paris: Versailles

Day 4 in Paris: Versailles Paris, France Paris, France Saturday 17th March The weather was cool and overcast this morning but we still headed out for our morning walk. The poor old banks of the Seine were heavily littered with rubbish from the previous nights celebrations. A mild Friday must spell misery for the poor… More

Day 3 in Paris: Walking + Meltdown day!

Day 3 in Paris: Walking + Meltdown day! Paris, France Paris, France Friday 16th Another beautiful day greeted us on waking so we set out for another morning walk along the Seine. This time we headed east and even took some photos. Our plan for the day was to maximise the good weather and to… More

Day 2 Paris: First full day!

Day 2 Paris: First full day! Paris, France Paris, France Thursday 15/3 It was a beautiful day when we woke; mild and sunny with clear blue skies. This was such a nice way to start the day. We headed out for a walk along the Seine and then came home to get ready for a… More

First day in Paris

First day in ParisParis, France Paris, France Apartment: 122.htm Edinburgh: Our last morning. This morning was like all of the others; grey and cold. We braved it though and took an early walk in to the New Town area. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the more vibrant commercial and shopping district… More

Day 3 in Edinburgh: The Castle

Day 3 in Edinburgh: The Castle Edinburgh, United Kingdom Edinburgh, United Kingdom Tuesday 13/3: Edinburgh Castle + Whisky Tour + The Witchery for dinner The day looked less ominous and much less windy this morning so we braved the elements and set out for an early walk around the historic old town cobbled streets. We… More