Munich Day 2: two walking tours!

Tuesday 24th September Today was a very full day and we are exhausted so this will be rather brief. Our morning started with a walk down to see the Oktoberfest site followed a by a 10.45 am walking tour of Munich with Sandeman Free walks. Our guide for this tour was Aileen and she was… More

Our last day in Rome.

Mon 15th October Yet, again, we woke to another sunny morning and I’m hearing that its been wet at home for much of the last three weeks so it’s seems like good timing to be away. Today is our last day in Rome and we head home tomorrow so this will likely be my last… More

Nero’s Palace day.

Sunday 14th October It was another sunny morning but no early walk today. We had a decent walk ahead of us this morning to get down to Domus Aurea, near the Colosseum, so had a lazy one this morning. We left the apartment before 10 am to allow time to collect tickets for our 11… More

Saturday in Rome = Shopping!

Saturday 13th October. Yet again, we woke to another glorious morning and so headed out for our early walk. We decided to walk along the Tiber and ended up near Vatican city so headed up to St Peter’s for the obligatory photo opportunity.  We were struck by how long the queue was to get in… More

Back in Rome!

Friday 12th October We actually arrived into Rome late on Thursday night, checked into the apartment and then grabbed a quick bite to eat before turning in for the day. Our apartment is an AirBnB and it is located in a 200 year old building opposite the Parliament. It is a lovely old building with… More

Dubrovnik to Rome.

Thursday 11th October Cathedral bells are not helpful when you have trouble sleeping. Last night I heard the 1am, 2am, 3 am and 4 am tolls and got into quite a state fearing I’d hear the 5 am one. Thankfully, I slipped back into a slumber and slept until the 7 am toll. Mark slept… More

Lokrum Island Day.

Wednesday 10th October. The weather was even better today than previous days; we had the same clear blue sky but it was a bit warmer.  We headed out for a walk before breakfast and then caught the 10.30 am ferry out to Lokrum Island, a small island located 600 m away from the mainland. The… More

Mostar: day trip.

Tuesday 9th October. Day trip: Small group tour to Kravice Waterfall and Mostar, Bosnia. It was another glorious morning. We’ve been so lucky with the weather. In fact, if we’d had weather like this for our one afternoon at Gradac we would have been on the day beds on the beach and our experience of… More

First full day in Dubrovnik.

Monday 9th October. There had been some rain last night but, thankfully, the weather cleared and we woke to blue sky, sunshine and a lovely cool breeze. We quickly hightailed it down to the Old Town to have a walk through the medieval city before the crowds set in. The place was packed yesterday afternoon… More

Gradac to Dubrovnik.

Sunday 7th October. The weather was overcast and rain was threatening when we woke but we managed to fit in a walk before breakfast. We were surprised to see that  we weren’t the only ones dining in the hotel’s breakfast room and so, clearly, we weren’t alone at the Hotel Saudade, Gradac. I consider our stay… More