A long weekend in Orange

Orange long / weekend:    Fri 4th Dec – Mon 7th Dec: Draft Final2   Accommodation:  https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/42182326?   26 Byng Street, Orange, NSW 2800. Check In: 3 pm Check Out: 10 am   Friday 4th Dec:   AM: travel Sydney to Orange. Coffee / Lunch stop: The Red Door: 134 Leura Mall, Leura NSW 2780  … More

A weekend in Berry

Berry:  Fri 27.11.2020 – Sunday 29.11.2020   Accommodation: Matilda Cottage in Berry Village   Friday: Cafe stop: The Hungry Monkey Cafe: well worth a visit. Winery: Silos Estate Winery: this is a winery that is well worth visiting if in the region but you need to book ahead. We enjoyed quite a few of their… More

The sun came out for our last day!

Sunday 26th July 2020   Mark rose early as he was determined to get in a least one ride. As luck would have it, the rain held off throughout the morning and the clouds cleared for much of the day enabling us to get to the pool. They only returned to add some drama for… More

Boiling Pot day

Saturday 25th July It was another wet morning. I ended up heading to the gym for a little while while Mark did some yoga and he also went down to at his favourite coffee spot, Noosa Social. Our plan for the day was to visit Eumundi markets, to pick up some coffee beans for our… More

Noosa: Montville Day

Friday 24th July The morning was overcast but at least it wasn’t raining so we made the most of it and headed out for a walk along the beach front and coastal path. It wasn’t long until the rain started up again though and so we headed back to Mark’s favourite cafe: Noosa Social. We… More

5 nights in Noosa

Wednesday 22nd July This short trip was a long time in the planning. The all-in-one flight, transfers and accommodation package had been booked well before Covid-19 was part of the modern day vernacular but the pandemic meant our trip was delayed and, then, rushed in before August to enable redemption of the Virgin flight component.… More

A few days in Narooma

Colleen, David, Mark and myself had a few days down in Narooma once Covid-19 travel restrictions lifted.

Chateaux visits for our last day.

Monday 7th October Today was our last day and we were lucky that it wasn’t raining for our early morning walk down to pick up our bus tour. Our full day tour was out to visit two Chateaux; Vaux le Vicomte and Fointainebleau. It was about a 1.5 hour drive out to the first Chateaux,… More

Paris walking day.

Sunday 6th October We’ve been a bit unlucky with the weather, especially here in Paris. It was another overcast morning but this time with rain before we set out. Our plan for the day was to take a 2 hour free walking tour of Paris in the morning, with Sandemans, and to smooch around the… More

Markets and Marais day.

Saturday 5th October It was a cloudy morning but the forecast didn’t show much chance of rain. That was until we stepped out the door at 10 am!  We didn’t get too far though before being drawn in to all the wonderful fruit and produce shops just along the street from our front door; it… More