We made it to Strasbourg!

Thursday 26th September AirBnB: https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/15502465? Address: 16 Rue des Serruriers, Strasbourg We made it Strasbourg without any hiccups. I’d been worried given our two train journeys had only 9 min between them for us to unload bags, find the next train and load up again. One lady on the train comforted me though by saying… More

Munich: last day

Wednesday 25th September Our morning activity for today was a group tour visit to Dachau Concentration Camp. We met our group at the HBF train station across the road from our hotel at 8:45 am. It was then about a 15 minute train trip out to Dachau station and then about a five minute bus… More

Munich Day 2: two walking tours!

Tuesday 24th September Today was a very full day and we are exhausted so this will be rather brief. Our morning started with a walk down to see the Oktoberfest site followed a by a 10.45 am walking tour of Munich with Sandeman Free walks. Our guide for this tour was Aileen and she was… More

First day in Munich!

Monday 23rd September Hotel: Fleming’s Hotel  It was another day of planes, trains and automobiles for Mark and myself. David left early to catch his train to Rome for his ling trip home. Mark and I had a flight at 1.10 pm to Munich. We left the apartment at about 10 am and, after a… More

Back in Florence!

Friday 20th September AirBnB Apartment: link Address: Via del Sole 11, Florence. The last time I was in Florence was with Mark, Annabelle and Tom in 2007. It took me a whole day to get here, one that started at 3 am, but I’m glad to be back and about to catch up again with… More

Florence: Day 2

Saturday 21 st September It was another stunning warm day brewing here early and I took a quick walk to the Mercato Centrale before heading out for my 10.45 am walking tour. I would return here later today looking for bananas and a leather jacket! Florence is full to capacity! Jam packed with so so… More

Copenhagen day 6

It was my last full day in Copenhagen and I had a day trip booked to visit Hamlet’s castle and Sweden. A 4.30 am call from Tom asking for directions to the alteration lady had me awake rather early so I managed to fit a final morning walk around the Lakes. The earlier start though… More

Copenhagen Day 5

Wednesday 18th September The forecast for the day was sunshine with a little bit of cloud and I was lucky enough to get the sunshine in for my morning walk. I had planned to head out to this trendy district called Norrebro for my morning activity given that I had found an app-based, self-guided walking… More

Copenhagen Day 4

Tuesday 17 September I woke to light rain but luckily it cleared sufficiently by 8 am to enable me to get out on a walk; there was even some sunshine for this outing. I headed to the sunny side of the Lakes and headed north noting how delightful this side of the lakes is with… More

Copenhagen Day 3

Monday September 16th It was cool, overcast and rather windy for my morning walk but I headed west and walked a loop around one of the The Lakes, a series of 3 lakes that curve around the western part of the city. Being a Monday this was a rather busy area with many cyclists on… More