Chatuchak (JJ) Market Day

Bangkok, Thailand

Sunday 7th May

We woke early and so headed to the Gym and Mark also did a few laps in the pool.

After breakfast we headed to the weekend Chatuchak markets, affectionately known as JJ Markets, as they were supposed to be well worth the effort. Mark and I would agree on that score as it was a vast space and with just about anything you could imagine on offer.

We wound our way through the narrow maze of crisscrossing aisles and bought a few items before stumbling across a rather interesting stall, Viva 8. This was a bar with DJ out front that also had a larger than life fellow cooking paella, also out the front. We found this to be the perfect antidote for our tired feet and overstimulated senses; some chill music and even more chilled beer! We actually went back there later for lunch so as to sample the paella.

You could easily spend a few days here without crossing back over your tracks but we were pretty depleted by about 3 pm and so headed home for some afternoon pool time.

Our plan for the evening was to catch the ferry across to the other side of the river and check out the view from the 31st floor bar, the 360, at the Hilton Millennial. This bar faced north up the river and so it gave us a different perspective from that with our south facing hotel room. The Jazz bar on the next floor higher offered great views too but with no out-door area and little atmosphere at that time of day, so, downstairs we stayed.

The drinks at 360 were rather pricey and so we headed back downstairs to try a new restaurant located next door after just the one round. The restaurant, The Never Ending Summer, is a sprawling venue located in an old warehouse offering a large expanse of both indoor and outdoor dining. We found our two mains a little too spicey but the sticky rice and mango dessert made up for the earlier disappointment. It wasn’t cheap though, in fact, the meal was more expensive than our first at The Sheraton, and also not quite as good so, whilst we’re glad we’ve been there, we won’t be going back.

We were both tired so headed home for a relatively early night.

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