First full day in Prague

First full day in Prague
Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic

28th June

A 4am start for moi. Courtesy of some anxiety about a Salzburg booking and Mark’s snoring. It was a magnificent day, sunny and hot. We did a walking tour of Prague at 11am with New Prague tours. Our guide, Aiofe, was a Medical student who spends her summers here working and winters at home studying. She was wonderful; Irish, animated and passionate about Prague. Aoife brought the rich and diverse history of the city alive for us for a full and exhausting 3 hours. We headed home for a rest after the tour before venturing back out for a walk around the local markets at about 5pm. We also meandered our way back to the Basilica of St Jacob, hoping to see the gory, severed and preserved arm supposedly suspended inside the Basilica; a story from Aiofe that had totally captured Tom’s imagination. Unfortunately it was closed, yet again! We will undoubtedly be back there though. Finally, we wandered back to the Old Town Square for a drink and another viewing of the Astronomical Clock pantomime before heading back to our apartment for a ‘night in’ with pesto chicken a la Mary.

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