First of five nights in the south of France.

Marseillette, France

Fri 29th April – Wed 4th May:

Fri 29th April. We woke to a beautiful sunny morning in Paris and this went part way to cheering Mark following the lost luggage saga. When we checked the British Airways website though we discovered little progress was made as they were looking for my bag which was sitting quite happily beside our bed. Mark was able to log on and rectify the error and, voila, up popped a note that his bag was found and making its way to Orly. With moods much improved we showered, had brekky and headed out for a walk along the Seine before taking a taxi to the airport. The receptionist was apologetic about the room we had been allocated and gave us a generous discount which also helped to improve the general mood.

Our flight from Paris (Orly) to Toulouse takes about an hour and then we have a 2 hr drive, courtesy of Gordon, to our lodging that is located just outside the historic walled city of Carcassonne.

Gordon and Jude picked us up from Toulousse airport and we bought some provisions before heading to our Gite for a night in with good food, wine and company.

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