Tue 7th June.
Poor Mark had a rough start to the day. He rose at 5.30 am to head out in time to meet his fellow bike riders at 6.30. Unfortunately, as he was soon to find out, they meant 6.30 PM! He took himself off a for a bit of a ride and I went on my usual walk and we then spent 2.5 hours negotiating the washing machine.
The afternoon was better though as we took and afternoon tour of Hastings Old Town. This was good because we learned a bit more history about how Hastings town evolved and wandered some of the smaller lanes that we would not have known to be worth traversing had it not been for our volunteer guide, Judith. We passed by Hastings Castle which was built by William the Conqueror; this Castle, along with 8 other Castles, was actually brought in pre-fab condition by ship by William. The Old Town used to be split down the middle by a river and hence the two Churches; St Clement’s and All Saints. A fire in 1377 destroyed most of the properties in Hastings and so those seen today date from roughly that period.
The tour finished up at about 4.30 pm and so we went to The Crown for Mark to have a beer. We then went in search of somewhere for dinner and, with little happening around Hastings Old Town or New Town, we settled on a Turkish restaurant called Nazar which was quite good and served excellent baklava! Too tired to walk home….we took a taxi.