Last Day in Iceland

Sunday 16th July

What a way to start our last day in Iceland. We’d been told there was a short trail behind our hotel that led to one of the 30 glaciers in the region so off we set at 6 am. Shortly after we found ourselves right at the front of the most spectacular glacier, and, we were the only ones there. It was pure magic! All week we’d been just two of the many hundreds gathering at each tourist stop along the way through Iceland but, not today, we had the whole amazing place to ourselves.

We had another day with a lot of driving as we had to make our way across from Skaftafell to our hotel near Reykjavik airport: a distance of about 330 km. There were a few stops along the way including our 3 pm booking at The Blue Lagoon. 

Our hotel for the last night was Hotel Duus, out near the airport, and this was a nice / humble place located on the water and just 10 minutes from the airport. We have an early departure from the hotel tomorrow at 6 am for our flight to Manchester where we pick up a car and head to York.


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