Our first two days in LA

Our first two days in LA
Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA


Friday 21st June

It started off as the shortest day in the year for us but ended up being the longest day as we made it up to the northern hemisphere. We arrived at the apartment at midnight Fri June 21st.

The apartment was great and it turned out (next day) to be in a great location too. We dropped our bags and walked up a block to the drug store to collect some supplies. They had been talking about ‘hybrid business concepts’ in Sydney before we left. Well, they need to chat to these guys as they’ve got it down pat: medication, kids toys, cereals, scotch, NZ Sav Blanc and beer. You name it…they’ve got and 24 hrs a day.

We eventually made it to bed at 2 am but were up and at it by 7.30 am on Saturday.

Saturday 22nd June

Bacon and eggs for Tom delayed our departure until about 10 am but we walked the 30 min stretch up to the Hollywood ‘Walk of Fame’ and Chinese Theater district. We bought a 2 day bus ticket for the ‘Hop On – Hop Off’ Bus as we were using that as transport for the first two days. The bus did a loop through Hollywood and Beverley Hills. We saw Rodeo Drive but it merely looked a bit like Double Bay from its better times.

We didn’t get off the bus until the ‘Farmers Markets’ and ‘The Grove’. The Farmers Market dates back to the early 1900s and is a large working market with some under cover areas and over 100 different food stalls, restaurants and grocers. We had a tapas lunch at ‘Little Spain’ where Tom and Mark were happily entertained by a match between Brazil vs Italy which, according to Mark, was surprisingly entertaining. The other surprising finds on the day were very expensive Vegemite…over $10 a jar and our most favourite French cheese…’D’affinois’.

From the Farmers Market we wandered across to the more modern Grove shopping complex that was developed in 2002. A visit to Banana Republic, A and F and ‘Johnny Was’ put our credit card into meltdown though . We rejoined the bus tour to make our way home to get ready just in time to make it to our 6.30 dinner at Boa Steakhouse. This was a recommendation from Chelsea at Bondi’s ‘Wax and Polish’ and a wonderful one at that. The service was excellent, as was the food and Napa Cabernet, and a strong rival to Berlin’s ‘Vau’ restaurant. We all ate too much but went home well satisfied after a full and entertaining first day.

We have actually booked the next two nights meals based on Chelsea’s recommendation so we’re looking forward to them too!

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